
11/365 - Bonk! by Konfu, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License   by  Konfu 

Hi all

When I was reading blog’sploitation’s post I was more connect.ed to what he had to say about his experience, then with the program itself.  There was nothing really new, I guess this is a fantastic program that should be taught before any of us go on our first prac, but by the time most of us are heading toward our fourth prac, it was just a revision exercise.  Especially in the secondary setting, most of the students are more IT savvy  than any of us will ever be.  Especially if you were born before 1990( could be giving way my age here).  I have been working as a teacher aide in a secondary setting for 5 years now, and there is not much some of these students don’t know about computers, internet and how to make something disappear temporarily when the teacher approaches. Students need to be internet wise from an early age,(primary school), as most of these students have ipods and can access the internet from anywhere and any time.  My ten year old son has a phone as he walks home from the bus to our house with his brother.  I don’t let him use the internet in his room and he has to go surfing out in the lounge when I am there, and I have a password on the phone so he can’t download or buy any thing.  However I am sure he will surpass his old mother with ICTs in due time, until then I will have to teach him about the good, bad and scary of the world wide web!!

So yes it was a great REVISION exercise, but perhaps we need to be connect.ed a little earlier in our education degree.



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